Our book group choice for November 2024 is Siblings by Brigitte Reimann. The 1963 novella explores the complex relationship between two East German siblings amidst the backdrop of a divided nation. Elisabeth, a fervent supporter of the socialist GDR, clashes with her brother Uli, who yearns for the freedom and opportunities offered by the West.
Their conflict intensifies as Uli reveals his plans to defect, echoing the earlier defection of their eldest brother, Konrad. The narrative unfolds primarily through Elisabeth’s perspective, delving into her internal struggle to reconcile her love for Uli with her unwavering belief in the socialist cause. Flashbacks to their shared childhood experiences and the lingering impact of World War II further illuminate their contrasting ideologies.
Reimann masterfully captures the emotional turmoil and ideological tensions that characterized East German society in the early 1960s. Siblings is a poignant exploration of familial bonds, political divides, and the personal sacrifices demanded by a nation grappling with its identity.
Discussion Questions
- The novel opens with the two siblings arguing, but Elisabeth takes her time in revealing what has led to this confrontation, going back and forth in her story, revealing bits from their past, why do you think it’s structured this way, and did you enjoy it?
- What do you think about how Elisabeth perceives the prior generations?
- Elisabeth views her two brothers very differently, betrayal and love, what do you think of her relationships with them?
- Elisabeth is not what I was expecting for an approved East German heroine. What do you think of the character of Elisabeth and how does she carry the book?
- Compared to Western female artists of the time, is Elisabeth better off in East Germany?
- Are the others in the book realistic characters, or idealistic versions of communists?
- Reinmann kept to the rules of what was allowed in the GDR. Can a book written under state surveillance be good?
- The book ends ‘happily’ with Uli staying. Was this so the book could be published? What do you think the effect will be on Uli if he stays?
- To whom would you recommend this book?
Individual Ratings
EmmaT's Rating
Baljit's Rating
Jo's Rating
Sue's Rating
Hayley's Rating
Anthony's Rating
Willow's Rating